5 New Mesothelioma Treatment
Entering the 21st century, experts and scientists are working hard to solve the problems behind the disease mesothelioma cancer.
Through the long lab and research eventually resulted in several New Mesothelioma Treatment constantly being developed.
Research focused on developing treatments and finding New Mesothelioma Treatment, new drugs and improves the traditional treatment. This gives great hope for the patient and the patient Mesothelioma.
There are several New Mesothelioma Treatment produced, Namely:
1. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is one of New Mesothelioma Treatment, a new treatment model in mesothelioma based on the theory that sebua single-celled organism if exposed to light at certain frequencies will die.
In New Mesothelioma Treatment for drug forosensitif given to patients intravenously and mesothelioma patients and is expected to be the perfect solution to tackle the problem of cancer caused by asbestos exposure.
2. Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is a New Mesothelioma Treatment which is sometimes referred to as biological therapy, in New Mesothelioma Treatment depends on the immune system of each patient. In other words, the immune system is the cure for the disease mesothelioma.
In immunotherapy is trying to rejuvenate the immune system of patients and there is also a way of improving the immune system naturally which is a very effective way to combat a variety of other diseases.
Immunotherapy which is a New Mesothelioma Treatment was expected to improve the immune system is damaged. In this immunotherapy using a biological response modifier substance (BRMs).
3. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is a New Mesothelioma Treatment that focuses on increasing local control to cure the disease mesothelioma.
4. Gene therapy
Gene therapy is a New Mesothelioma Treatment a very promising future for the treatment of mesothelioma. Focus of gene therapy in repairing and replacing the abnormal gene that is owned by the patient.
There are two types of gene therapy, ie gene replacement therapy and knockout gene therapy. In the first type of replacement gene therapy, genes mutate and disappear so that the cause of mesothelioma is expected to be replaced. While in the KO gene therapy, genes responsible for the tumor or cancer is removed.
5. Multimodality TherapyNew Mesothelioma Treatment This is some combination of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Multimodality therapy is still under research and development.
The original topic : online asbestos world
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